3 costly PR pitching mistakes & how to avoid them
Successful public relations is all about relationships.
While securing a story in a prime publication is terrific, building solid relationships with the press is the golden ticket to getting that story published.
Think about it: Journalists receive dozens, if not hundreds, of story pitches every day, most of them mass-produced pitches that end up in a laptop’s trash bin, often unread.
To set yourself apart from every Mary, Marty and Michael that pitches a story, you’ve got to earn and cultivate a trusting relationship with the journalists that cover your beat and your business. To achieve that goal, you’ve got to do your research and ensure that you aren’t making mistakes along the way. Suffice it to say that every detail matters. Here are some ideas to consider as you aim to become a trusted member of the media
7 ways to build better relationships with journalists

Major news outlets generally get three times the average amount of email in pitches alone. There is a lot of noise, and most of it is irrelevant to the topics that each journalist covers.

Put yourself in the shoes of any busy journalist who gets over a hundred emails a day asking for their time and attention.
Real Estate Corner
While home prices are rising, buyers aren’t biting

While home prices are rising, buyers are baulking at the price tags and submitting fewer offers because they’re being priced out of the market.
Tags: marketing strategy, public relations, publicity, real estate