SMT header with ALTA Elite Provider Badge

SecureMyTransaction is now an ALTA Elite Provider and includes new features to promote business growth

It’s hard to believe that it has already been one year since Alliant National and our technology partners launched SecureMyTransaction in response to the urgent need for robust, scalable fraud prevention and identity verification tools. Over the last year, many of you have provided feedback on our service, and I am humbled by the stories I’ve heard about how SecureMyTransaction has helped defend against fraud. Seller impersonation, vacant property fraud, wire fraud, and deed and document forgeries are deeply damaging to our industry and the consumers we serve, and I sincerely thank you for your valuable input.

Thanks in large part to your help and support, I am proud to share two significant updates regarding SecureMyTransaction.

First, the American Land Title Association (ALTA) has announced today that SecureMyTransaction has achieved ALTA Elite Provider status. As part of that process, SMT was rigorously vetted as a provider and received recommendations from ALTA members. This designation is an important milestone and affirms SMT’s effectiveness in helping agents respond to increasingly sophisticated fraud schemes.

Second, we’re excited to announce that this week, SMT is being updated to include new features allowing you to customize the user experience with your branding, the branding of your real estate partners, and even lenders. This includes incorporating your logos, contact information, and messaging for a seamless, integrated ID verification experience that reflects your unique business style. With this added ability to customize the platform, SMT not only offers protection but also supports brand visibility and business growth.

We remain committed to growing and enhancing SecureMyTransaction, and your feedback will guide our efforts. You can also follow updates at

If you have thoughts or questions about SecureMyTransaction, please reach out to me or any member of our team.

David Sinclair, President & CEO for Alliant National signature block
Alliant National team at TLTA

Information, Collaboration, Creation: The Power of Giving Back Through Industry Involvement

For Alliant National’s team, the mutual benefits of becoming involved in association work are evident for the industry and those who serve.

The Alliant National team includes people from all walks of life who are united by a shared commitment to independent agents. Another commonality is a dedication to the broader title community that goes beyond the nine-to-five. At every level of the company, you’ll find individuals who have made a commitment to leadership in various title insurance, real estate, legal, and similar professional organizations. It is a commitment that has a broad impact.

A more informed and inclusive community

One of the benefits of association involvement is the opportunity to build community and share valuable information. “I served with an amazing group of volunteers,” said Margaret Cook, EVP, General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer and Past President and Board Member of the Land Title Association of Colorado (LTAC). “It gave me a chance to give back and expand my knowledge and network.”

Micah Owen, South Carolina and Georgia Agency Manager, recently became a Director of the Palmetto Land Title Association (PLTA) and noted that she appreciates the opportunity to contribute fresh ideas and help the association grow. She also relishes bringing more of the community into the conversation by calling “upon people that have great ideas but may be too shy to share.” Owen added that associations are a wonderful mechanism for disseminating crucial information, such as PLTA’s “Case Law Update.”

“Dawn Watkins is our current legal liaison,” said Owen. “She does a great job keeping the board and members current on all judicial updates. Attorneys are so busy as it is, so we try our best to help them.”

KC West, Sr. Vice President and Southwest Regional Manager, echoed Owen’s sentiments, noting how associations foster a more connected and inclusive industry. Having recently taken up the mantle of President of the Oklahoma Land Title Association (OLTA), West said that it is an “honor to serve the title professionals of Oklahoma and to be the voice in the room for those that aren’t always available to attend.” Being involved in leadership, he added, “gives you a chance to act as the voice for the collective” and ensure the “views of title professionals [are reflected] in the decisions being made.”

Collaborating to drive critical improvements

The value of joining associations goes beyond the opportunity to build an informed and inclusive community, however. Associations also provide a framework for professionals to collaborate on important operational and industry initiatives and drive substantive improvements.

Alliant National’s TJ Johnson, Assistant Vice President and State Agency Manager for Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah, recently held leadership roles in two industry organizations. He sat on the Colorado ‘Good Funds’ committee and served as PAC Chairman for the Land Title Association of Arizona (LTAA), where he collaborated with like-minded professionals to improve industry processes and bolster organizational finances.

In working with the “Good Funds” committee, for example, Johnson “discussed best practices for disbursing insured payoff and proceed funds while mitigating risks to title agents and the general public.”

“Part of the committee’s fact-finding process involved polling other states to compare and, in some cases, better our own standards,” he said. “We eventually sent our findings to the state’s department of insurance to influence their protocols.”

During his time as LTAA PAC Chairman, Johnson worked on equally important initiatives. One of the organization’s goals was to “develop strategies on how to best target our campaign contribution funds,” Johnson said. In addition, the committee launched the “Past Presidents Classic Golf Tournament” and a silent auction to strengthen the association’s finances and deliver more benefits for the Arizona title community.

Rodney Anderson, EVP and National Agency Manager of Alliant National, also had the chance to make a dynamic impact on the industry by serving as President of the Texas Land Title Association (TLTA) from 2023-2024. Assuming this role was the culmination of a long-held goal for Anderson. During his tenure, he worked with others to strengthen the association’s educational programs, ensure access to the latest information and training, assist with navigating legislative and legal changes, and advocate for policies beneficial to the industry and consumers.

Creating a favorable legislative environment

Industry-related legislation is one area where the value of associations can perhaps be most vividly seen and felt. Title associations, said Anderson, help “industry professionals collaborate […] and stay informed about regulatory changes and market trends,” which “vary significantly by state and frequently face attacks at a state and federal level.” Individuals who join industry organizations, he said, contribute their “expertise, leadership and commitment” to “shape standards and practices” and “ensure the integrity of the industry.”   

During her time in leadership, Cook found herself immersed in similar responsibilities. “While I was with the association, Colorado revised its title insurance regulations and market conduct examination procedures. It was a very busy time,” she said. “It’s fascinating how many bills and regulations could negatively impact real property records and the ability to securely close and insure transactions. It takes countless volunteer hours to positively influence the outcome.”

Furthermore, two of Alliant National’s underwriters have spent time working with industry groups to improve the field’s legislative and legal environment. Brianna Dowling, Underwriting Counsel, has been involved with the LTAC board of directors “for quite a few years now.” Perhaps the most rewarding for Dowling has been “working through legislative initiatives.” The industry must have a “seat at the table when it comes to real estate and insurance legislation,” she said.

As the Immediate Past Chair of the Title Issues & Standards Committee for the Real Property Probate and Trust Law Section of The Florida Bar, Rebecca Wood, Alliant National’s Assistant Regional Counsel Florida and VP, was also positive about becoming involved in leadership. She noted that these positions allow volunteers to shape the industry’s future. “What I found most rewarding about serving on the committee was coordinating continuing legal education programming,” she remarked.

Building a stronger, safer and more effective industry

Given the Alliant National team’s experience, one thing becomes clear: whether it be fostering a more informed, inclusive community or developing better processes, protocols, or legislative outcomes, association work delivers benefits on multiple levels.

Individual title experts, for example, “gain benefits and career development from this experience,” said Cook, reflecting on her time. Johnson seconded this: “Every title and escrow professional,” he said, “should serve on a board or committee. It will broaden your knowledge base and increase your influence within our industry.”

Anderson noted that becoming involved can also strengthen by proxy the company that an association member comes from. Taking part in these organizations helps build “relationships with partners, clients and other stakeholders who value the company’s role in advancing the industry,” he said. In Alliant National’s case, for instance, the company has been able to have “its perspectives considered in broader industry conversations,” which builds its credibility and solidifies its position as an industry thought leader.

Most significant, however, is that when title professionals get involved in association work, the entire industry stands to gain. Anderson probably said it best, remarking: “In essence, both the organizations and the people who participate in them are vital for maintaining the stability, reliability and growth of the title industry.”

And this fact makes it an entirely worthwhile effort for anyone thinking about throwing their hat into the ring.

Hand squeezing smiling face yellow stress ball, isolated on white background

Take Action During April’s Stress Awareness Month

Reduce stress for a happier and healthier workplace.

April is “Stress Awareness Month,” making it the perfect moment to explore how stress affects both individuals and organizations. While stress is a normal process, it can take a toll when left unchecked. Alliant National HR Director Stacy Stolen discusses the consequences of runaway stress and shares strategies for creating healthier workplaces.

Stress 101

Everyone experiences stress, but have you ever wondered what exactly it is? Stolen says that while stress typically carries negative connotations, on a basic level, it is simply the body’s response to a demand. Any change in a person’s day-to-day life can be stressful.

Here are a few more important things to know about stress:

  • Stress affects everyone.
  • Not all stress is bad.
  • Long-term stress can harm your health.
  • There are ways to manage stress.
  • If you feel overwhelmed by stress, it’s important to reach out to a health professional.

Where does stress often show up?

Stress can be anywhere, but it frequently pops up in workplaces, where it can do sizable harm. “Workplace stress has adverse effects on workers’ mental health, with an increased risk of anxiety, burnout, depression and substance use disorders,” Stolen said. “Stressed workers are more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors, such as drug abuse or poor dietary patterns.”

The negative consequences of stress affect businesses as well. “It decreases employee productivity,” said Stolen. “Interactions with co-workers may also become strained, causing conflict, complaints and grievances; health concerns; and higher absenteeism.”

Reducing stress begins with awareness

Given how serious stress can be, it must be elevated as a topic of concern for businesses. Employees must also feel comfortable talking about their stress levels and seeking help when stress becomes unmanageable. According to Stolen, recent years have brought increased cultural awareness of the consequences of stress – which is a welcome change. “It has become more acceptable to ‘talk’ about stress,” said Stolen. Yet there is still more work to do. “Companies are still struggling to manage workplace stress,” said Stolen, “and perks like onsite gyms and nap rooms are not the answer to our problem. We must go deeper.”

How can workplaces better address stress?

Addressing the root causes of stress meansdigging into the psyches of stressed-out employees. “If your employees perceive your workplace as a threat, then you cannot build the trust your team needs to collaborate and innovate effectively,” Stolen said. “Employers need to shift from individual-level to organization-level approaches for reducing stress, which can foster employee well-being while simultaneously improving business performance.”

How does Alliant National reduce stress?

Alliant National has developed a plan to reduce workplace stress. Part of this includes the Alliant National Employee Engagement Team (EET), which helps employees “feel engaged, fairly compensated, rewarded, and personally committed to and inspired by their work.”

The underwriter also tries to let all employees know that it is not only acceptable to take time off to rest and recharge – but encouraged. Additionally, Stolen is working on a mental health “challenge,” where she reaches out to managers to determine if their direct reports have large PTO balances. The intention is to determine whether team members are using the time that they have earned, and if not, to understand why.

Alliant National also runs several internal challenges driven by its EET. These focus on stress reduction, fitness and kindness, and mix in other fun challenges such as. Examples include a baby pics challenge, trivia games; and virtual holiday celebrations.

Stolen notes that many of Alliant National’s initiatives revolve around encouraging laughter throughout the day. Now, humor can’t cure all ailments, but data has proven that a good laugh can have short- and long-term benefits, including:

  • Short-term benefits – Laughing doesn’t just lighten your mental load, it induces physical changes in your body:

    • Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.
    • A rollicking laugh fires up and then cools down your stress response, and it can increase and then decrease your heart rate and blood pressure. The result? A good, relaxed feeling.
    • Laughter can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce the physical symptoms of stress.

  • Long-term benefits – Laughter isn’t just a quick pick-me-up, it’s also good for you over the long term:

    • Positive thoughts release neuropeptides that help fight stress and potentially more serious illnesses.
    • Laughter may ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers.
    • Laughter makes it easier to cope with difficult situations. It also helps you connect with other people.

There is no magic bullet against stress, but progress is possible!

“I have no secret sauce or silver bullet,” Stolen said when asked about how she manages her own stress. “But what I have learned is that I need to unplug and be able to tell my boss when I am stressed and need help – not so I feel weak, but so I can be good to myself.” This is an effective summation of how we can all better manage stress in our lives and particularly in the workplace. Through a combination of honesty and proactivity, individuals can ensure that they keep their stress levels at a reasonable level. Businesses can also follow this approach during Stress Awareness Month and year-round to create happier, healthier and more sustainable workplaces for all.

Graphic welcoming Rebecca Wood and Theresa Kane-Mackenzie

New Hires Rebecca Wood And Theresa Kane-Mckenzie Represent Our Commitment To You

Florida, Pennsylvania and New Jersey are known as the “Sunshine,” “Keystone” and the “Garden” states respectively. They are each aptly named due to Florida’s perpetual rays, Pennsylvania’s colonial history and New Jersey’s lush orchards and farms. Within Alliant National, however, these states are known for something else: Each region offers incredible opportunities to empower the independent agent. Read how the underwriter is investing resources in both areas through two strategic hires, which will enhance its operations overall up and down America’s east coast.

Florida – A Rich Past and a Strong Future

Florida is one of those states that everyone knows even if you’ve never been there. Sprawling beaches. Delicious oranges. Disneyworld. The Everglades. At Alliant National, Florida is also well known, as it is one of the organization’s largest and oldest markets.

Alliant National started operating in Florida in 2009 and has seen stunning success over the last 15 years. Headed by SVP, Florida Regional Manager, Debra Coffie, and featuring underwriting leadership from Jeff Stein and Brenda Cannon, the company’s presence in the state has grown from a small shop to a sprawling network encompassing hundreds of agents. Despite these achievements, Alliant National is not resting on its laurels. “While we have experienced significant year-over-year growth,” said Coffie, “there is still ample potential to further impact in the market.”

Alliant National has seized this potential by continuing to invest in Florida, an important move given the state’s ever-increasing population and bustling real estate market. According to experts, Florida is one of the nation’s top relocation destinations. In late 2023, 4 of the top 10 cities for incoming residents were in Florida – including Orlando, Sarasota, Cape Coral and Tampa.[i]

Alliant National recently hired Rebecca Wood as Assistant Regional Counsel and VP to keep up with this demand and ensure that agents have adequate support. A long-time Floridian, legal professional and title insurance expert, few people are better equipped to take on this newly created role. Armed with three decades of experience, Wood is an industry authority and consummate professional. She is comfortable managing everything from analyzing legal details and risk assessments to interfacing directly with agents and claims professionals.

Alliant National Florida-based agents are undoubtedly in good hands with Wood joining the team.

Pennsylvania and New Jersey – High Growth and a New Frontier  

From one perspective, Pennsylvania and New Jersey are the opposite of Florida. One area is often cool, while the other is hot. One is in Canada’s orbit, and the other borders the Gulf of Mexico. Yet at Alliant National, these seemingly unrelated regions share a common characteristic: thriving title communities with which to build partnerships and drive shared success.  

Overseen by SVP, Central-West Regional Manager, Manoj Purohit, Alliant National has been active in Pennsylvania since 2022 and is aiming to expand due to encouraging market signs. While housing inventory and affordability remain low in much of the state, significant urban areas near its western border offer competitive price points that have attracted sizable numbers of aspiring home buyers. Pittsburgh and Erie in particular reported median listing prices in late 2023 far lower than the national average of $412,000 from that same period[ii] – making both metros major domestic migration destinations.

New Jersey is an entirely new market for Alliant National, although its decision to establish operations is fueled by a similarly optimistic market picture. The Federal Reserve announced in recent months, for example, that further interest rate increases are unlikely in the year ahead, causing mortgage costs to trend downward. On top of this, aspiring home buyers are flooding into the state from neighboring big cities like New York, increasing the potential for robust real estate demand.

Alliant National’s New Jersey operations will also be overseen by Purohit, who commented that both states area great opportunity waiting to be realized. “As it has across the country, Alliant National’s ‘agent only’ business model resonates deeply with independent agents in this region,” he said.

Alliant National’s hiring of Theresa Kane-Mackenzie is the most significant step it has taken in the region so far. With Kane-Mackenzie at the helm, the underwriter will develop its agency network and offer the type of uncommonly valuable help on which it has forged its reputation. “We expect to see strong growth and greater market share by bringing a proven industry veteran like Theresa on-board to head up our expansion efforts,” said Purohit.

Kane-Mackenzie’s vast expertise will be incredibly helpful in bringing this goal to fruition. Having built a respected, multi-decade career, Kane-Mackenzie has done it all. She has worked everywhere from national underwriters to title insurance technology providers. Her resume also includes experience in everything from underwriting and title production to marketing and continuing education. She is a one-stop shop that both current and future regional agents can leverage to improve processes and better serve customers.

Wherever you are, Alliant National is committed to you!

Alliant National has long invested in its greatest resource: its people. Recent steps in Florida, Pennsylvania and New Jersey reveal the depth of that commitment. The story of these two areas shows that Alliant National’s founding principles are alive and well in the present day. If you’re an independent agent, it doesn’t matter where you are or how long you’ve been with us, Alliant National is dedicated to ensuring that you always come first.

[i] Florida Housing Market Predictions: Forecast for the Next 5 Years (

[ii] Median Home Price By State 2024 – Forbes Advisor

3 players reaching for a basketball

How To Team Build Year Round

There is no off-season for building effective teams.

In our working lives, we hear a lot of chatter about team building. Yet, even though it is widely acknowledged that strong teams are the cornerstone of successful businesses, the exact mechanisms for how you build them are less clear-cut.  

For Stacy Stolen, HR Director at Alliant National, creating an environment where staff feel connected, safe and collaborative requires a holistic, year-round approach. She shared insights on how to successfully implement team building in your organization for impactful results.Team building: A critically important conceptWhile incredibly important, team building can sometimes feel cliché and superficial, evoking images of trust falls and three-legged races. Yet when done correctly and with genuine, year-round commitment, few things can be as impactful for creating high- functioning organizations. But why exactly should you prioritize team building? “The lone wolf is becoming an endangered species,” said Stolen, when discussing the subject. “From health care to hospitality, startups to big business, teamwork has become the favored way to get things done.” This view is echoed by those who study team building. “The world is so complex, no one person has the skills or knowledge to accomplish all that we want to accomplish,” says Susan McDaniel, PhD, a psychologist at the University of Rochester Medical Center who is known for her scholarship on team-based work. “Interdisciplinary teams are the way to make that happen.”[i]Here are some of the tangible benefits agencies can realize through investing in team building: ·         Enhanced collaboration: When teams understand and trust one another, it becomes easier to communicate openly and honestly, which reduces silos and promotes alignment.

  • Better employee morale and retention: Meaningful team building promotes safety, camaraderie, and care. This can lead to lower turnover and higher retention. Higher productivity and profitability: Close-knit teams promote the free exchange of ideas and faster, more impactful feedback, which results in higher productivity and profitability.Improved organizational culture: Team building creates a more affirming, positive and compelling culture. When teams like, respect and collaborate well with one another, businesses enjoy easier recruitment and competitive advantage in the market.
  • How to Team Build Year Round Clearly, team building can deliver big benefits, but establishing a year-round team building program can be a tall order, especially at a busy agency. Still, there is no need to feel overwhelmed, says Stolen. “Begin by breaking it down into bite-size steps. Start by defining what teamwork means to your organization and do your research. Also, never take a ‘cookie cutter’ approach to teamwork. Make it your own and ensure it is a good fit for your team.”This last point is a critically important one, particularly when viewed in the context of remote work. “As a new manager, or first-time manager, you now have the unique freedom to choose talent from all over the world,” said Stolen. “But you also face an equally unique challenge: Leading a team who you may have never met in person. This includes building trust and camaraderie between people in different time zones.”But whatever type of team building program you land on, make sure it’s sustainable. Without easily repeatable plays, you won’t be able to continue nurturing a strong team at different points of the year. Keep it simple and do not overthink it. Some strategies aligned with this philosophy include:·         Build “buffer time” into your meetings that leaves time to chat openly and informally. ·         Do ice breakers/team builders at as many meetings as you can. This creates increased cooperation, builds trust and creates a sense of belonging.·         Create “team rituals,” repeated actions or activities unique to your team and help them bond. Rituals can be as simple as “Meme Monday,” where everyone shares an image or GIF that captures how their weekend went. ·         Avoid communication gaps by scheduling a daily stand-up meeting for people to share updates. This process can also be repeated over digital channels like Zoom.·         When it comes to meetings, share the pain. Consider the different time zones your teammates are in and rotate start times so that everyone has a few convenient meetings on their schedule.·         Create an Employee Resource Group.Team building can be difficult but well worth the effort Finding time to develop new initiatives at a busy title agency can be a formidable challenge. Yet the importance of well-executed team building can’t be understated. Sticking to these tips can help you create a well-honed operation that delivers results. Better yet, says Stolen, you’ll create an ideal environment that meets your team’s “individual work preferences and needs.”

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