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Celebrating the end of a career, Congratulations Janet Minke!

Alliant National Title Insurance Executive Janet Minke Retires

Well-known industry veteran also retires from her industry leadership roles, and will focus on philanthropic endeavors

FORT Worth, Texas – Janet Minke recently retired as vice president, underwriting support services for Alliant National Title Insurance Company, the nation’s largest title insurance underwriter with no direct or affiliate operations. Alliant National is headquarted in Longmont, Colorado and Minke was based in the company’s Fort Worth, Texas office.

Minke’s career spanned nearly 50 years, including almost a decade with Alliant National. Alliant National hosted a retirement party in her honor, and as part of the celebration, Alliant National’s leadership team, employees and independent agents pooled funds together, totaling $20,000, to donate to the of charities Minke’s choice.

Texas Land Title Associaion (TLTA), offered Minke its congratulations and a thank you for her service: “TLTA is deeply grateful to Janet for all she has done over the years for TLTA and our industry. She will be greatly missed, but we wish her all the best in retirement. She leaves a true legacy in the vast body of work that she so generously shared through the gift of her time and talent.”

In addition to frequent speaking and instructor roles at TLTA educational events, Minke was a long-standing volunteer with the organization. She served on and/or chaired numerous TLTA committees.


Cathie Beck
Capital City Public Relations
e : cathie@capitalcitypr.com
p : 303-241-0805

Alliant National is the largest title insurance underwriter in the country with no direct operations to compete against its agents and puts the interests of its agents first. Bolstered by financial stability, strong underwriting capability and independent agents’ in-depth knowledge of local markets, the company has established a nationwide network with deep roots in local communities and a wealth of expertise that is flexible, nuanced and continuously growing.

Alliant National’s CEO, Bob Grubb, can be reached at 303.682.9800 x300 or bgrubb@alliantnational.com. Visit joinalliantnational.com for additional information.

About Alliant National Title Insurance Company

The Independent Underwriter for The Independent Agent® Alliant National believes in putting other people first. The company protects the dreams of property owners with secure title insurance and partners with 400+ trusted independent title agents as a licensed underwriter in 22 states.



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Cathie Beck

Cathie Beck is the founder and president of Capital City Public Relations and an award-winning journalist and published book author with over 25 years of experience.

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