#AllNat Advantage

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orange tabby kittens

Staff: Enter our holiday pet photo contest for your chance to win

Do you think your pet can capture the festive spirit and child-like wonderment of the holiday season as well as this pair of domestic shorthairs?

Submit a photo of your pet enjoying the holiday season to marketing@alliantnational.com for a chance to win a prize.

Photos will be uploaded to a photo album on the Alliant National Facebook page as we receive them, and fans of the page will have a chance to vote for their favorite photo. You can invite your Facebook friends to vote for your favorite entry also.

The contest runs now through December 31 and is open to Alliant National staff only. The sooner you submit your photo, the sooner you can start campaigning for votes for your submission.

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Nikki Smith

Alliant National's director of digital marketing + social media

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