#AllNat Advantage

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Graphic welcoming Aaron Figueroa and Jace Coffie

Meet Alliant National’s New Associate Agency Representatives: Jace Coffie and Aaron Figueroa

Two young professionals embark on a career in title insurance.

The title industry is all about passion and people. Those who are most successful often have a strong connection to the field and can effectively navigate the intricate web of relationships that go into every successful real estate transaction. Alliant National has long prioritized building a close-knit team of people who embody those qualities. Take two of its most recent hires as an example. Jace Coffie and Aaron Figueroa recently joined the Alliant National team as associate agency representatives. Both have strong industry ties and professional backgrounds rooted in service, preparing them well to help Alliant National’s agents grow their business.

A close connection and a commitment to service

First, let’s introduce Jace Coffie. Having grown up around the industry due to a family connection, Coffie is no stranger to the world of title insurance. When an opportunity to join the profession arose, he jumped at the chance. To Coffie, transitioning to the title insurance industry was a natural progression. “My previous professional positions have a shared theme of customer service,” he said.

The second new hire is Aaron Figueroa, who also joined the team as associate agency representative. As with Coffie, the title insurance community has long been on his radar due to a family member’s experience in the field. After years of working in the service industry where he delivered exceptional customer care, he has quickly adapted to the responsibilities of his new role.

Finding a home at Alliant National

Alliant National’s unique culture has resonated deeply with both new hires. “I have always wanted to work for a company that allows you to show your full personality,” Coffie said. He’s confident a place like Alliant National is “where I want to spend my career.” Figueroa shares Coffie’s zeal as well. He specifically highlighted how “involved and caring everyone is” at Alliant National as the reason why he is so excited to further build his career with the underwriter.

Tackling their new roles

Coffie and Figueroa have begun channeling their enthusiasm into their new responsibilities. Coffie, who will support agents in Alliant National’s Great Lakes-Central West Region, stated that he loves “to learn from the ground up,” and has already taken the company’s “Agents First” outlook to heart. He hopes to contribute to that mission, saying, “I want to learn everything I can to support those around me.”

Figueroa will be supporting agents in the Southwest Region. He seconded Coffie’s sentiments, remarking that “he would like to be a sponge and absorb as much information as possible to become an asset to Alliant National.” He believes a strong Alliant National benefits agents by assuring them that “they will be taken care of,” allowing them to focus on growing their operations and strengthening their communities.

Staying in touch with what’s important

When building a team, it can be difficult to know what to prioritize. But for Alliant National, the answer is clear. Time and time again, it has seen the benefits of bringing people on board who have strong connections to the industry and a genuine commitment to serving others. By hiring Coffie and Figueroa, it has continued that valuable tradition, and Alliant National’s agents will only stand to gain.

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