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What is “Branding” & Why’s It Important?

None of the rules are anchored in stone

Think of a product or products that you gravitate toward. Maybe you like Nikes better than New Balance. Maybe a Dodge product means superior quality in automotive craftsmanship.

Think of a product or products that you gravitate toward. Maybe you like Nikes better than New Balance. Maybe a Dodge product means superior quality in automotive craftsmanship.

Do you know why (and how) you draw the conclusions you do? Do you understand what made you choose your last purchase over competitors’

Branding helped you choose. Branding is why “Band-Aid” brand is so recognizable (though there are plenty of other adhesive bandages to choose from). There are too many soda options to list here, but pretty much everyone on the planet knows what Coca Cola is, and their sales continue to stay strong.

Branding your agency is critical. It does not have to cost a lot of time or money, but it does require some thought and intention. Here’s a bit on branding in 2019. No one writes the rules and none of the rules are anchored in stone. But being mindful of what to consider when branding your agency – which is the public’s perception of you – helps you hit the branding bullseye.

6 brand strategies for small businesses

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The key steps involved in brand building are to make your brand memorable and to maintain consistency.

5 start-up branding trends to watch for

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Brands are putting effort into connecting with audiences in a meaningful way. Each of these five trends is all about appealing to your target audience as a way to find success.

Real Estate Corner:
Revisiting the real estate outlook

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Millennials and the “affordable Southeast” are driving forces in the 2019 real estate market, says the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania.

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