#AllNat Advantage

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components of digital closing

Your guide to the Digital Closing Process is here

Interest in digital closings is surging, and Alliant National is committed to making sure you stay ahead of the curve.

Today, we’re releasing to our agents a new series of handbooks exploring the elements and principles of digital closings.

Extensively researched and content-rich, Alliant National’s Components of a Digital Closing series demystifies the Digital Closing Process and its five major components: eSign, eNotary, eNote/eVault, eRecording and eCollaboration. Each handbook in this series explores one component. The purpose of the component is briefly described and placed within the context of the broader Digital Closing Process. Laws, regulations, technological requirements and specific technologies are discussed where appropriate.

This collection is designed to be a comprehensive, ready reference as the industry transitions toward the digital closing environment.

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