Claims Tails: Top 7 lender foreclosure issues, and how to avoid them
As borrowers struggle with increased prices for almost everything, it’s no surprise that making monthly mortgage payments has also been an issue. In the last few years, it has been reported that foreclosures have steadily increased.[1] Thus, lenders have sought to exercise their rights granted under either a mortgage, security deed, or deed of trust to force a sale of the collateral due to the non-payment of the debt.
In many cases, whether it is a purchase money loan or a refinance, the lender may purchase and obtain a loan policy of title insurance to protect the lender’s interest from a variety of covered risks.
As a lender prepares to initiate a foreclosure either by a judicial foreclosure or a non-judicial foreclosure, it may run a title search on the property to determine ownership along with other liens, judgments, encumbrances, and easements involving the property and the borrower. Title matters that present themselves involving the validity, enforceability or priority of the insured mortgage lien that were not excepted or excluded from coverage, and occurred prior to the date of the title policy, may lead the lender to submit a notice of claim to the title insurer seeking a coverage determination under the title policy.
The top seven title issues submitted by lenders to the Alliant National claims team include:
- Unreleased prior lien or mortgage;
- Spousal marital status is missing or is incorrect on mortgage;
- Spouse does not execute the mortgage;
- A notary acknowledgment issue;
- Error in the legal description or the legal description is missing;
- The mortgage was not timely recorded; and
- A complete copy of the mortgage was not recorded (i.e., missing a page).
Happily, strong post-closing procedures and attention to detail can easily prevent each of these issues. Let’s look at a scenario and use it to analyze a few different situations.
An unmarried couple – we’ll call them the “buyers” – enter into a purchase contract with John Doe (the “seller”). The sale is scheduled to occur in 30 days. The buyers let you know that they are so excited as they are getting married in two weeks and that this is going to be their first home. The seller has two mortgages or deeds of trust on the property, as well as a recorded monetary judgment. All are properly indexed in the county land records. The parties are ready to close on schedule.
First situation: Thirty days later, the buyers are now married; however, the prepared deed to vest title to the buyers, and the new mortgage or deed of trust shows them as unmarried. What do you do?
Of course, one should not proceed with having the documents executed until they are corrected to reflect the proper marital status as of the date of closing. It is also important to mention here that one should also verify the proper names of the parties (including business names, trust, etc.), and that the names are correctly spelled.
Second situation: The closing occurs. The documents are executed but the notary misses acknowledging one of the pages in the mortgage or deed of trust for one of the buyers. The instrument is then recorded.
In this case, it’s important to have the mortgage or deed of trust re-executed, re-acknowledged and then recorded in the county land records. However, in some states, there may be an option to have the notary execute a Notary Affidavit. Check with your state to see if the latter is available and the cases for which it is appropriate.
Third situation: The closing occurs. The instruments are not sent to the county land records for recording until 60 days later.
Because of the delay in recording, it’s possible for another interest holder or lienholder to record an instrument in the “gap period,” the time between the closing date and the recording date. Keeping the gap period small lowers the risk that someone else will record an instrument that could challenge the lender’s priority.
Fourth situation: The closing occurs. The lender prepared the mortgage, and it identifies that an Exhibit A will be attached to show the property’s legal description. The mortgage is recorded without Exhibit A being attached.
In this case, it’s important to promptly have the mortgage or deed of trust re-executed, re-acknowledged and attach Exhibit A with the legal description; and then record in the county land records. In a few states, there may be an option to remedy the matter with a correction affidavit. Check with your state to see if the latter is available.
Fifth situation: The closing occurs, and the funds are disbursed. No additional review or follow up with the prior lenders or judgment creditor is conducted for the recorded release or satisfaction of the lien. One year later, these have not been released in the county land records. The current lender is now foreclosing, and the new foreclosure title search shows the items as unreleased in the county land records.
We understand that there may be challenges in getting the respective party (lender or creditor) to record a release or satisfaction if it is on that party to do so; however, this is part of the post-closing process. Being persistent and diligent will help ensure that the county land records accurately reflect the status of the mortgage or lien. There are several states that have enacted statutes that impose on lenders and creditors a prescribed time limit to record a release after payment. Also, in a few other states, a title company or a title insurer may have the ability to execute a release if certain requirements are met and if the lender or creditor fails to do so. Check with your state to see what options are available.
As you can see, title companies can impact the lender’s foreclosure process in a big way. By taking the time to catch the “little” things, you can help reduce the likelihood of claims submitted by lenders under loan policies.
If you have any questions, we’re here to help! Please feel free to reach out to me at: mhawkins@alliantnational.com.
Bates, M. (2024, April 11). ATTOM: Foreclosure Filings Increased 3 Percent in Q1. https://mortgageorb.com/attom-foreclosure-filings-increased-3-percent-in-q1
Fabino, A. (2024, March 13). Map Shows States Where House Foreclosures Are Rising. https://www.newsweek.com/housing-foreclosure-rise-states-affordability-crisis-1878775.
This blog contains general information only, not intended to be relied upon as, nor a substitute for, specific professional advice. We accept no responsibility for loss occasioned to any purpose acting on or refraining from action as a result of any material on this blog.
[1] Bates, M. (2024, April 11). ATTOM: Foreclosure Filings Increased 3 Percent in Q1